Man Cant Get Heart Transplant Because Hes Not Vaccinated Against

Boston hospital will not give man heart transplant over his refusal to get COVID-19 vaccine

Boston hospital will not give man heart transplant over his refusal to get COVID-19 vaccine

Boston Man Won’t Receive Heart Transplant Due To Vaccination Refusal

Boston Man Won’t Receive Heart Transplant Due To Vaccination Refusal

Man who needs heart transplant refuses to get COVID-19 vaccine

Man who needs heart transplant refuses to get COVID-19 vaccine

Unvaccinated Patients Are Being Denied Organ Transplants

Unvaccinated Patients Are Being Denied Organ Transplants

Unvaccinated man ineligible for heart transplant, Boston hospital says

Unvaccinated man ineligible for heart transplant, Boston hospital says

Unvaccinated Man Removed From Heart Transplant List

Unvaccinated Man Removed From Heart Transplant List

Heart transplant patient and COVID-19 vaccine

Heart transplant patient and COVID-19 vaccine

Cleveland Clinic cancels Eastlake man’s kidney transplant surgery because donor not vaccinated

Cleveland Clinic cancels Eastlake man’s kidney transplant surgery because donor not vaccinated

Heart Transplant Recipient Shares Why Candidates Should be Vaccinated

Heart Transplant Recipient Shares Why Candidates Should be Vaccinated

Young heart transplant patient encouraging more young people to get vaccinated

Young heart transplant patient encouraging more young people to get vaccinated

Man who got 2 heart transplants tells story during Donate Life Month

Man who got 2 heart transplants tells story during Donate Life Month

Local man shares perspective on life after heart transplant | KVUE

Local man shares perspective on life after heart transplant | KVUE

Alpine man says he needed heart transplant after getting COVID-19

Alpine man says he needed heart transplant after getting COVID-19

CBC News: The National | School COVID-19 concerns, Pig heart transplant, Bob Saget

CBC News: The National | School COVID-19 concerns, Pig heart transplant, Bob Saget

COVID-19: Woman denied organ transplant due to not being vaccinated

COVID-19: Woman denied organ transplant due to not being vaccinated


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